Pastor Leanne's Message for the month of March 2025:
"Journey to the Cross"
The scripture makes no bones about it: when Jesus turned his face toward Jerusalem in the last months of his life, he knew exactly what he was doing – he knew he was going to die. He wouldn’t have needed divine foresight to figure that out - the nature of his dealings with the powers of that day, his exposure of the world’s sin, graft and deception – all these things set him up to be an enemy of both state and religious institutions. By riding into the city on a donkey, clearly fulfilling scripture about the coming of the Messiah, he could not have sent a clearer message to those who hated him: “Here I am. Come and get me.” And so, they did.
That fact heightens the significance of every event that happened with his disciples as he journeyed there. These events will be the topics of our Lenten Services, because they reveal the “finishing touches” Jesus put on his ministry on earth and set the course for the post resurrections of the church. They reveal his on-going plan for our lives together.
Thus, join me for Lenten worship, and let us listen carefully to those all-important words of Christ, and take them to heart as we journey with Jesus to the cross, so that we may understand our own journeys to the Resurrection.
“The Journey to Jerusalem” by: Macrina Wiederkehr, O.S.B.
From the cross
the arms of Jesus stretch out
like wings
wide, all-embracing.
So inclusive are these arms of God
even as I am drawn in
I, who chose not to go to Jerusalem.
I hear these words again,
echoing in my soul
“Behold we are going up to Jerusalem!” My eyes rest on the wood of the cross
So this is where that journey led you!
I suspected as much
that’s why I didn’t go.
My tightly clenched fists of fear
open just a bit
My mediocre heart
kneels down.
I lay my head into my hands
I weep softly, but not desperately
Love, like this, always makes me nervous.
The face under my mediocrity
peers out at the cross
and I ache because I didn’t go.
The face under my mediocrity
peers out at the cross
and I ache
because the perfect love
that casts out fear
is not at home in me.
And yet, those arms of God
those wings of love
keep on encircling me.
I feel incredibly taken in,
accepted, loved.
May this wood of the cross
be my tree of life
leading me to all the Jerusalem's
I still must journey.
The Scholarship Committee of First Presbyterian Church is pleased to announce the
availability of a limited number of scholarships for our church community.
To be eligible for consideration to receive a scholarship,
a student must be an active member of First Presbyterian Church of Bismarck
or must have been an active participant in the
life of First Presbyterian Church of Bismarck for at least three years.
The awards are given for students at any level of study beyond high school.
Four years is the maximum for receiving scholarships: these need not be consecutive years. Graduate students may apply for scholarships,
providing they are within the four year maximum.
The deadline to apply is Friday, May 16, 2025
We encourage you to continue to love your neighbor well at this time. Hebrews 13:16 challenges us to“dowhat is good and to share, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”Thank you for being the Church.
Are you in need of assistance that you can not get help? Email firstpresbyterian@fpcbismarck or call 701-223-6091 and let us know how we can help.
For those who are unable to worship with us in church, here are a few ways that you can continue to give:
1. Online bill pay with your banking institution.
2. Click on the "Give Now" button above to donate today.
3. Mail checks to First Presbyterian Church, 214 E Thayer Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501.
Please check out our Ash Wednesday Service:
is a Community called to love God through Worship and Prayer, receiving and serving our neighbors with the compassion of Christ, open to new beginnings and the spiritual growth of children, youth and adults.
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First Presbyterian Childcare Center - (701)-258-7490 OR
You can visit us at 214 E Thayer Ave. or
tune in at 10:00am Sunday to our Live Feed on Facebook